The Soul Care Sanctuary Membership is here!

Get your monthly dose of psychic auntie vibes as you map out soul-aligned strategies to help you achieve your goals and actualize your dreams without sacrificing your joy, wellness, or legacy!

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Limited Time Only

Founding Member
Every month
Every year

✓ One Monthly Soul Care Reading Delivered to Your Inbox
✓ Behind-the-scenes "Candace the Dream Doula" content
✓ Access to a Visionary Vibes Community Chat
✓ First Access to New Membership Features

About the membership

You are a high-achieving visionary! You have created so much success in your life. There is no doubt in my mind that you are a brilliant, badass, and I love that for you!

But here’s the thing, even baddies struggle to slow down and make sure their actions are aligned with their needs, values, and desires. We find ourselves in cycles of burnout, over-commitment, and hustle without the flow.

That’s where I come in! As your psychic bestie, I help you ritualize the sacred pauses that help you drown out the noise to hear YOU (and your divine collective) with more clarity and more volume.

This membership features monthly chit-chats that are astro & tarot-infused. We extract your dreams and desires and map out a strategic plan for the month ahead. But this ain’t Corporate Erin’s strategic plan!

Our intuitively crafted game plan uses divine insight to help you stay accountable to your needs, desires and values while factoring in the emotional and spiritual “weather currents” that you can’t control yet still have the potential to impact your efforts!

What you’ll get



I have literally NEVER fit in a box. I was the nerdy, creative kid born in the inner city whose love of books stood out like a sore thumb. I was the “prep school negro” who was liked by everyone but herself in my PWI boarding school. I was the talented performing artist who wouldn’t choose between her love of the arts and her love of “traditional academics” in college.

I was the daredevil bit by the travel bug at an early age who last minute decided to apply for a Fulbright research grant, GOT IT despite the odds stacked against her and lived abroad in a Spanish-speaking country far away from family as her first adulting experience.

And, now I’m the thriving startup employee who stretches the realm of possibility juggling her passions as a business owner and performing artist.

Enroll Now

Enroll Now ☆

Limited Time Only

Founding Member
Every month
Every year

✓ One Monthly Soul Care Reading Delivered to Your Inbox
✓ Behind-the-scenes "Candace the Dream Doula" content
✓ Access to a Visionary Vibes Community Chat
✓ First Access to New Membership Features

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