Astro-Inspired Affirmations for August 2024

Hey Bestie! Today’s visionary rant is astro-inspired bc ya’ll know I’m obsessed.

I was laying in my bed the other day thinking about how much I love when the moon is in Gemini. I get the best ideas — they are creative, out-of-the-box, and truly inspire me. Is there any feeling better than inspiring yourself?

So the idea that dropped in was to make some soul care affirmations inspired by the astrological transits of the month. One of the reasons why I love astrology so much is that its “mathematical energy lends so easily to ritual and creating consistency — in a fun, intuitive way of course!

So, even though it was a few days before the month starated, I obliged the little spiritual nudge. I believe the best way to build confidence in yourself (and your visions) is to say yes to those nudges when they whisper. Then, they will return louder, clearer, and more magical in the future!

So here are your astro-affirmations for August. They are all organized by the transit they are inspired by just in case you want to nerd out about astrological transits like I do!

Don’t be blinded by the dates. You can use any of these affirmations any time — including beyond August. You just might have more awareness of the themes of each affirmation if you use them near or within the date ranges of the transits.

Astro-Inspired Affirmations for August 2024

New Moon in Leo (August 4)

  • The sun doesn’t question if it is shining too brightly, so I won’t either!

  • Taking up space is medicine in a world plagued by “shrink-and-hide syndrome.”

  • I’m giving an Oscar-worthy performance in the role of “Unapologetic Me”.

Venus enters Virgo (August 4)

  • I define what beauty is, and I embrace and embody it every chance I get.

  • Paying attention to the details is an expression of love for myself and others. 

  • I create structure and boundaries as an act of self-love. 

Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo (August 5)

  • I get to review, revise, and refine my choices to better suit my needs, values, and desires. 

  • I deserve to slow down and be present with the intimate details of my life. 

  • I am intentional about what I consume. I nourish myself with the best of the best.

  • Backtracking reminds me of the wisdom I’ve gained and the lessons I’ve learned.

Full Moon in Aquarius (August 19)

  • I release anything and everything that holds me back from evolving. 

  • I wave my freak flag proudly. If others don’t get it (or accept it), it’s on them to figure out how to deal.

  • I grieve the parts of my past that can’t continue on the journey with me. I celebrate how they’ve fertilized my future.

The Sun enters Virgo (August 22)

  • I build systems that help me sustain my soul-aligned success, joy and well-being. 

  • I can prioritize precision without giving my power over to perfectionism.

  • I don’t let logic rob me of the peace that comes when I listen to my heart.

  • My thoughts ground me and give me a strong foundation to grow.

Mercury goes direct in Leo (August 28)

  • When I speak my ideas into the universe they are kissed with confidence. 

  • My leadership shines when I boldly tell my story and share my truth. People want and need to hear what I have to say.

  • My ego is here to serve me. I don’t reject its wisdom, but I also don’t get drunk on its zeal.

Venus enters Libra (August 29)

  • I am enchanted by the world around and within me. I cherish the love I give myself and the love I receive from others. 

  • I give to myself as much as I give to others. 

  • I romanticize my life and move through life intending to turn myself on. 

Chiron retrograde (July 26-December 29)

  • I welcome healing knowing that it’s deepening the legacy I’ll leave this earth with. 

  • I am strong enough to withstand the present pain. Soon it will be a triumphant chapter in my life story. 

  • I find wisdom and gratitude in the hills and valleys of life. 

What do you think?

Did you like these? Should we make it a thing and do it again next month? Please dm me on IG to let me know! Also hit me up if you have any questions, just wanna chat about what came up, or if you get inspired to take action/ create any rituals as you engage with the affirmations! Share the tea, honey!


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